Low-Impact Program with High-Impact Results for Individuals with Arthritis

Arthritis Awareness MonthDid you know that arthritis impacts more than 50 million Americans, making it the number one cause of disability in the country? The YMCA of Frederick County is here to help!

Some low-impact classes we offer:

Land Classes

  • Fitness4All: Class includes cardio to increase your heart rate, stamina and energy. As well as low impact weights to improve your strength, stability and balance. Class concludes with full-body stretching.
  • Healthy For Life: The class will include an aerobic warm-up, full body light dumbbell/bodyweight standing exercises. Functional fitness to accommodate all levels and ages. Class will be standing or seated, no floor work. Class is geared toward an older adult looking to add fitness into their daily life but also have some mobility issues, including arthritis or difficulty getting on the ground.
  • Senior Yoga: Enjoy a gentle yoga flow for older adults which builds strength, boosts balance and improves flexibility. Participants will be offered numerous choices, both seated and standing. All levels of ability are encouraged. Bring a yoga mat, water, wear comfortable clothes.
  • Total Body Basics: Incorporates cardiovascular, strength, functional and core training. All movements are low impact but not low intensity!

Water Classes

  • Ai-Chi: A water fitness class for all levels with Mind & Body focus. This shallow water, low impact class focuses on total body relaxation through a progression of strengthening exercises to promote balance and increased body awareness.
  • Aqua Kriya Yog: A water fitness class with a Mind & Body focus for all levels. This shallow water, very low impact class aims to connect the body and breath, helping to bring awareness and intention to movement. Experience a greater ease and stability taking yoga off the mat and into the water.
  • Pi-Yo-Chi: A water fitness class with a Mind & Body focus for all levels. This shallow water class combines elements from Yoga, Pilates, and Ai-Chi to improve balance, flexibility, and strength with an emphasis on joint health. Breathwork and stretching will be explored during the Yoga and Ai-Chi segments.
  • Smooth Movin’: A water fitness class appropriate for all levels. This shallow water is designed for those with arthritis, but appropriate for any-body. The class focuses on joint mobility and balance and includes low-impact moderate cardio.
  • There Walk: A shallow water, very low-impact class designed for those who suffer from physical or neurological challenges such as MS, Parkinson’s Disease, spine issues, and arthritis.


Read our Mission Moment about Analisa Rojas who was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.