Pool Policies
General Rules For All Pools
The lifeguard is the sole authority in the pool. All persons must obey the instructions of the lifeguard or his/her supervisor. Please do not argue with the lifeguard about these rules; they did not make them, nor can they change them, however, they are required to enforce them. If you are not satisfied with the way a guard is handling something, ask to see a manager.
All persons MUST take a shower prior to using the pools.
Bandages of any kind are not permitted in the pools.
Persons with the following conditions will be prohibited from entering the pool (the YMCA reserves the right to refuse entry to any person at their discretion):
- Any person appearing to be or known to be intoxicated.
- Any person with symptoms of diarrhea.
- Any person showing evidence of skin disease, sores, or inflamed eyes or communicable disease shall be refused use of the pools unless a physician certifies that the individual’s condition is not infectious or contagious by waterborne transmission.
Strollers are not permitted on deck, wheelchairs and other assistive devices are permitted.
Electrical appliances and electronics are prohibited within 5 feet of the water (battery operated waterproof devices are permitted).
Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a designated adult.
Non-swimmer children must have an adult in the water within arms’ reach at all times and must remain in 4 feet of water or less.
Glass, gum, and smoking are not permitted in any pool area. Water in plastic or metal containers is permitted in all pool areas. Food and drink permitted at picnic area of outdoor pools.
Swimmers are not permitted to participate in breath holding activities.
Running, rough play, dunking, splashing, pushing is prohibited. Standing or sitting on the back or shoulders is not permitted. Disrespectful or inappropriate language or behavior is prohibited.
Diving is only permitted in designated areas of water 9 feet or deeper.
No hanging or diving over any life lines or lane lines.
No playing on or around ladders, stairs, and lift chairs. They are for entering and exiting only.
Use of photographic devices to take pictures without consent is prohibited.
No one is allowed back in the pool area until at least one half hour after the last audible clap of thunder or last lightning flash.
Please do not engage actively guarding staff (on duty watching the pool) in extended conversation.
Members, non-members, or guests who repeatedly break these rules are subject to possible membership loss or appropriate disciplinary actions.
In an emergency, please follow lifeguard’s directions as quickly and safely as possible.
Street shoes are not permitted on deck of indoor pools, “pool only” shoes are permitted.
All persons must wear bathing suits. The following attire is prohibited in the pool: street clothes, underwear, long swim skirts (extending below the knee) and “Mermaid Tails”. All swim suits must fully cover all private areas (including the buttocks).
Personal masks, fins, and snorkels are allowed at the discretion of the lifeguard.
Persons in bathing suits are restricted to the pool and locker room areas.
Only “US Coast Guard Approved” flotation devices are permitted, see additional information below regarding flotation devices.
As per State, County, and City Health Department regulations, non-toilet trained individuals must wear a fresh swim diaper and/or snug fitting plastic pants under the bathing suit while in the pool. Disposable diapers are not allowed in the pool. If your child soils their diaper during the course of swim, they must be taken immediately to the bathroom to be changed. Do not wait until swim is over to change your child’s diaper, do not change diapers on the pool deck.
Please encourage all swimmers to make an attempt to use the toilet prior to entering the pool area. If your child requests to use the toilet during the course of their swim, take them immediately, do not ask them to wait until swim is over.
Accidents in the pool will cause a shutdown of up to 24 hours and must be prevented if at all possible.
Specific Areas and Equipment
Use of Equipment
- Diving blocks are only to be used during supervised instructional activities (swim lessons, swim team, etc.)
- Facility equipment is for use only during programs, participants may bring their own equipment as needed.
- Exceptions
- Kickboards/pull buoys may be used during lap swims
- Thin noodles may be used during open rec/community swim
- Dumbbells, noodles and float belts may be used by independent adult water exercisers
Lap swim rules
- Please observe common courtesy
- Adult lap times are strictly reserved for swimmers age 16 and up
- Circle swim prevails if more than 2 swimmers in a lane; 2 swimmers in a lane, each can take a side
- When joining a lane, make sure everyone in the lane is aware prior to entry
- When stopping, please occupy a corner of the lap lane
- Allow faster swimmers to pass
- Stop at the corner to allow faster swimmers to make the turn to go ahead of you
- Do not stop in the middle of the lane
Whirlpool Rules
- Maximum occupancy is 10 persons
- Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted anywhere in the whirlpool area
- The whirlpool is an “at your own risk” area, there is no lifeguard on duty
- Pregnant women, persons suffering from heart disease, diabetes, or high or low blood pressure should not enter the whirlpool without prior medical consultation and permission from the doctor. Persons taking medications should consult physician and obtain permission prior to using the whirlpool.
- Do not use immediately following vigorous exercise.
- Check the temperature before using, maximum safe temperature is 104 degrees.
- Observe reasonable time limit to avoid nausea, dizziness, and fainting.
- Enter and exit slowly.
- Do not submerge.
- In case of emergency, a pull cord is located next to the double doors leading to the Fisher pool.
Flotation Devices and Youth Swim Policies
Flotation Devices
Any and all flotation devices must bear the mark of Coast Guard Approval. Appropriate flotation devices include: lifejackets and “puddle jumpers”.
Any and all other flotation devices are not approved – this includes but is not limited to baby seats, water wings, “bubbles”, and ring floats.
In the event that a participant is found to be using a non-approved device they will be required to remove it from the pool. The YMCA provides a variety of approved flotation devices for use by any of our participants during their visit to our pool at no cost.
Any child wearing a flotation device will be assumed to be a “red band” swimmer as outlined in our swim testing policy below.
Youth Swim Policies
Parents must be in the water with all children under the age of 6, and with all children wearing a flotation device. Parents must be on the pool deck or in the water with all children age 6-9. Children ages 6 and up may be required to pass a swim test in order to swim without a parent and/or in certain areas of the pools at the discretion of the on-duty lifeguards. Children who have participated in a swim test will be assigned a breakaway neckband indicating their swim ability.
There are 3 colors of neckbands, each indicating the child’s swim ability and where they are permitted to swim.
Red = No access to deep ends, an adult is required in the water at all times.
Yellow = Access to shallow sections of the pool not to exceed shoulder depth, an adult is not required in the water.
Green = All access, an adult is not required in the water.
Our testing procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Height check – the lifeguard administering the swim test will measure each child to determine if they meet certain minimum height requirements related to the maximum water depth in the area
Step 2 Swim Test –
Yellow band test – (must complete all items in this order without flotation devices or assistance)
- Stand in water that is chest to shoulder depth
- Tip forward and float on front with face in for 5 seconds
- Return to a standing position
Green band test – (must complete all items in this order without flotation devices or assistance)
- Swim 40 feet on front in a horizontal position
- Turn around
- Swim 40 feet on back in a horizontal position
- Tread water for 1 minute in a vertical position with chin at or above water level at all times
At the completion of the test, the administering lifeguard will provide the child with their neckband. Neckbands must be returned to the YMCA at the end of each visit, band status can be recorded at the front desk for future visits.
The Y aquatics department reserves the right to re-test and/or change band status for any child at any time if it is deemed necessary for their safety.