Instilling Resilience: We can Do Hard Things!
Instilling resilience involves creating a supportive environment where we can learn to overcome challenges, build confidence, and develop problem-solving skills through activities like team-building exercises, outdoor adventures, and leadership opportunities. Providing guidance, encouragement, and positive reinforcement can also help develop resilience by learning to adapt to new situations and bounce back from setbacks. Here at the Y, we are committed to helping out campers and staff build resilience throughout their summer camp experience. To help you camper learn how to be resilient, we will:
Provide Emotional Support
We will create a safe and supportive environment where children feel comfortable expressing their feelings. This helps them develop emotional resilience.
Teach Problem-Solving Skills
We will encourage children to brainstorm solutions to challenges they encounter rather than solving problems for them. This helps build their confidence in their ability to overcome obstacles.
Promote a Growth Mindset
We will encourage a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and perseverance, rather than being fixed traits. This mindset fosters resilience and a willingness to embrace challenges.
Celebrate Effort and Progress
We will praise children for their efforts and improvements, rather than solely focusing on outcomes. This encourages them to persist in the face of difficulties.
Foster Connections
We will encourage children to build strong relationships with family, friends, and supportive adults, which provides a sense of belonging and social support during challenging times.
Michael Brandwein, youth development and camp training guru, tells us “We can do hard things!”