Head Start Winter Clothing Drive a HUGE Success!

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Head Start Clothing Drive. Everyone was so generous and dropped items off at the YMCA or donated through Amazon. We received so many coats, underwear, hats, gloves, long sleeve shirts and pants to ensure all of our Head Start children stay nice and warm this winter.

We we received so much that we were able to provide coats not only to our Head Start kids but also to some of their siblings!
We received:
  • 162 coats
  • 53 hats/gloves/scarves
  • 24 pairs of boots
  • 42 packs of underwear
  • 33 packs of socks
  • 48 shirts
  • 46 pants

A HUGE thank you to Kevin O’Connor at O’Connor Plumbing who promotes the drive to his employees, customers, and business connections. Kevin even dropped off gifts for families in need with his daughter.


The Head Start program provides comprehensive education, social, health, and nutrition services to eligible three and four-year-old children and their families in eight locations. Children participate in appropriate educational experiences, field trips, nutritional meals, and health screenings. They also receive limited transportation services, referrals for disability and mental health issues, and school transition services. Family involvement in the program is encouraged and assistance is given in obtaining needed social services. If you or anyone you know could benefit from the Head Start program and can meet Federal eligibility guidelines, please call or stop by our Head Start office today.