Rotary Club of Frederick hosting a Blanket/Comforter Drive for Sleep in Heavenly Peace


Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP)  is an all-volunteer organization that builds and delivers beds, complete with mattresses, sheets, blankets and pillows free of charge to needy children who do not have a bed.

After starting the No Kids Sleep on the Floor in Our Town Initiative, Sleep in Heavenly Peace has partnered with many organizations to plan build days in the community to help meet the needs of children who do not have a bed to sleep on. All children deserve a safe, comfortable place to lay their heads.

In early December, the Rotary Club of Frederick partnered with SHP and donated $10,000 to purchase lumber, mattresses and lines. Not only did they make this donation, but they also had 60 members of their club (including family members and friends) with varying skill levels to help with a bed build. The members teamed up over three days to pick up materials, pre-cut lumber and stage the assembly line to ensure the success of a 4-hour session of sanding, drilling, staining, sealing, assembling and branding 40 beds. The Rotary Club also promoted a public pillow and linen drive over the holidays and were very successful, collecting 2 pickup truck loads of pillows and blankets, which were also donated.

The YMCA of Frederick County has partnered with SHP in the past. The Y Leaders Club enhances teens’ lives through service projects and leadership training. Five members from the Leaders club participated in a recent bed build, rotating around to different stations and helping to build 40 beds.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace usually receives 40 to 50 requests per month for beds and bed clothes, but since December 2022, that number has jumped to approximately 70 requests per month. Chris Colville, CEO of the YMCA of Frederick County and member of the Rotary Club of Frederick, wants to help fulfill this need and is hosting a comforter/blanket drive at the YMCA of Frederick County.

Donations will be accepted at both YMCA of Frederick County locations with a donation box in the lobby: Downtown Y (1000 N Market Street) and Natelli Family Y (3481 Campus Drive). 

You can also order from this Amazon wish list, items shipped directly to the YMCA donation box.

We will be collecting donations until February 28.

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