The Endowment Fund
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A Strong Investment Guarantees A Strong Future
The Endowment Fund provides long-term support to the Y’s mission areas of Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.
Your gift provides lasting support for the Y to remain accessible to everyone – regardless of their ability to pay. The investment of our Y’s endowment is crucial to meeting our future needs. This may take the shape of increased financial assistance, significant new initiatives, or general operating support.
Your gift to the endowment is invested strategically by the YMCA of Frederick County. The Y’s Investment Committee guides the direction and growth of the endowment funds.
If you’re ready to support YMCA quality programs and services that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all, contact Tom Clingman, VP of Social Responsibility at 301-663-5131 or by email at
Planned Giving
Your Legacy Starts Here
One of the greatest personal aspirations in life can be to make a difference in your community or world. The issues that face our community include leadership development, health and wellness, education and childcare. The Y supports all of these issues, and through support of the Y endowment funds, your care and commitment for the issues can secure a foundation that will continue to address these most urgent needs in our community.
Your gift today ensures that tomorrow’s kids can enjoy the same chance to learn, grow, and thrive. A planned gift strengthens our Y’s endowment and delivers two benefits. In addition to the satisfaction of making a lasting gift, your generosity can result in significant tax and estate planning advantages for both you and your family.
Make a commitment now or in the future to support quality programs and services that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all!